Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Tromso Day 1, Take 3

It's humbling to be in a place like Tromso, a place so far into the North of the Earth that the sun is out for only four hours of the "day." It is not humbling simply because of the change in environment, but because when something like the motherfucking flu hits you, you realize you can't really ever do anything totally alone. Without phones or friends, I ended up emailing the owner of this house, and they sent their daughter to fetch me. Sitje is basically my new best friend.

So my first three days into the four week sojourn to Arctic Norway have been addled by all the flu symptoms we know and love. Try them alone in the dark. You will seriously begin to wonder if you haven't just lost your mind. Fortunately, the respite has been worth the pain.

The sky here is beyond words.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hope you're feeling better...wish i could bring you some chicken soup..i'm sure it was really hard being sick...alone.....that pretty much is the worst thing ever.
hang in there....